Sunday, November 23, 2008

Being a Gramps and Isaac's First Birthday...

When I found that I was going to have a grandson, it did not take me long to decide what I was going to be called. As our daughters were growing up, in addition to reading the entire Little House on the Prairie Series I also read them all the Berenstain Bear Books. I remember Betsy and I always going to the children's section of the bookstores we visited to see if any new books were out. If we found new ones, that would be our purchase we made together. The grandfather in this series is Grizzly Gramps but I am just going to stick with Gramps for Isaac's name for me. I certainly wanted to have one before he started calling me a name he made up! Could not imagine being called Gaga or Imp or Pupu. I am looking forward to the day that I can start reading this series to Isaac, we still have all the books and in addition I have six DVDs filled with 30-minute episodes that we can watch together when his is old enough. We have always been a family of readers and I am sure that Isaac will enjoy books as well. Pictured here are Robin and Betsy reading together.

I did not realize how a grandson could change my life nor how special it would be. For years my friends have shared pictures of their grandchildren and shared how special they are. If it was in a group, I would always say how cute and really not make over the pictures and walk on while the other folks spent time looking at the pictures and listening to the stories the proud grandparent would share. I am having to go back and repent for being that way and now I am there as long as they want to share, listening, asking questions, and comparing notes. When we found that Betsy was expecting, almost all the folks that were already grandparents shared that there is nothing like having grandchildren. It was hard for me to understand until after Isaac was born. It was evident that he recognized me at around five months and is special each time we are together. How special is the grin on his face and the rapid crawling and now walking to me so I can pick him up. It melts my heart everytime!

Isaac turned one year old on November 21, 2008. Robin and I took he and Betsy out to Moe's for his birthday. I think that was more for the adults since Isaac could not eat any of the food from the restaurant but he seemed to have a good time. He enjoyed helping me get the salsa and riding on my shoulders so he could see everything from way up!

Isaac celebrated his birthday with family and friends Saturday afternoon. There were animals all over the house since that was the party's theme. Pictured here is Isaac enjoying his first birthday cake! It did not take him long to understand that he could eat this cake anyway he wanted! He enjoyed eating with his hands but also wanted a spoon too. He played and played until he fell asleep when I was riding him on my shoulders. He woke up after a few minutes in his Mom's arms ready to be part of the party once again. I am sure that Betsy will post pictures in her blog... so for more about Isaac's first birthday and pictures of his first year, visit the Mauney Family Blog.

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